Amazing Photographer for Weddings, Commercials, Modeling....
Robert Barbutti Photography is the Bay Area’s top photographer. We worked with Robert on multiple commercial shoots for our dental office. As a matter of fact, Robert Barbutti Photography did our "before and after photos" on this website.
If you’ve ever walked down the halls at Millbrae Dental Care, you’ll see all over the walls Robert’s amazing artistic touch all over the place via photos of beautiful smiles! While he was photographing our patients and their smiles, we kept hearing the same comment over and over: “It's amazing how comfortable Robert makes me feel.....”
However, his talent doesn’t stop there. He is known for putting companies products on the map with his commercial photos, creating beautiful memories of weddings or other important family events, and he’s helped numerous models and sports figures get noticed with stunning photographs! Take a minute and browse his website and I’m sure you’ll agree, Robert is talented.
Here are just a few of his amazing photos

Every once in a while you meet someone who loves what they do and does it exceptionally well.
Dr. Sherry Tsai
Millbrae Dental Care / Bay Area Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Center
88 Capuchino Dr
Millbrae CA 94030
(O) (650)-583-5880
(F) 650-475-7073
Have a Dental Question for Dr. Tsai or her team?(650)-583-5880
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One of the many talented professionals that Millbrae Dental Care works with - Robert Barbutti provided Dr. Sherry Tsai amazing photos of her Cosmetic, Dental Implants and Sleep Apnea patients in Millbrae, San Bruno, Burlingame, San Mateo and the Bay Area