Sleep Apnea Dentist Treating Sleep Apnea and Snoring without CPAP
Bay Area Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Center has partnered with Dr. Sherry Tsai of Millbrae Dental Care to provide the best sleep apnea mouthguards and snore guards available.
Sleep apnea and snore appliances are a great alternative to CPAP especially for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. They can also be used to treat more severe sleep apnea in certain circumstances.
Do Sleep Apnea Mouthguards Really Work?
Yes. Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances, or snore guards, have been in use for over fifteen years. The sleep appliances we work with are FDA-approved for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. Dental sleep appliances have been shown to effectively treat mild, moderate, and position-based severe sleep apnea. We’ve provided hundreds of sleep appliances to our patients with fantastic success. Whether you want to minimize your bed partner’s snoring, or treat sleep apnea, we can help.
Covered by Most PPO Medical Plans & HMO Medical Groups
We work with most medical PPO insurance plans and almost all of the popular HMO Medical groups in the Bay Area such as Palo Alto Medical Foundation PAMF and Mills Peninsula Medical Group MPMG. We have worked with Medicare and most of the supplemental plans as well, but they tend to be more difficult to get approval. If you have been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, then your PPO or HMO medical insurance plan may cover some or all of your appliance cost.
Since there are so many plans out there, the best thing to do is call our office so we can look up your benefits for you.
The Process to get a Sleep Apnea or Snore Device
The process to receive a sleep apnea mouthguard or snore guard is simple. The first step is to call us, so we can find out more about you and your sleep apnea or snoring. Over the phone, we will ask you a series of questions to make sure that you are a candidate suitable for this treatment. We will discuss your health history, your sleep test results, your dental health, and your medical insurance coverage.
Once you decide that you would like to proceed, we will start working with your doctor and your medical insurance company (if needed). We will attempt to authorize your treatment by working with your doctor and ours. Once everything is in place, you can decide to start treatment.
It takes about three weeks for our lab to make the custom-molded, form-fitting sleep appliance. Then you will return to our office for a final fitting. From there, we will have you wear it for a week or two to get used to it. Finally, we start the titration or adjustment phase. This usually lasts about three to five weeks depending on your level of snoring, or of your sleep apnea. Once you return to your doctor, he or she will request a final sleep test. This verifies that the sleep device is working for you and effectively treating your sleep apnea.
Who is Bay Area Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Center?
Bay Area Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Center is a group of world-leading doctors and dentists in the area of alternative treatment for sleep apnea. We work with doctors and dentists who understand that CPAP is not the only treatment for sleep apnea. Oral appliances or dental mouthguards can be the best solution for many patients who can not, or do not, use their CPAP. We work with your current primary care doctor, cardiologist, or pulmonologist to provide you with the best sleep device for your apnea. If you don’t have a primary care doctor or a doctor that you’ve worked with, we can help you find one. We also handle most medical insurance plans for you, so you have one less issue to deal with.
Deciding on Oral Appliances
A quick appointment or phone call with us will allow you to understand if you are a suitable candidate for an oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea.
A consultation will allow us to review any results that you may have from an earlier sleep test, take a few necessary measurements, and then assess your teeth and gums to see if they are in good condition to use the oral appliances. For more about Dr. Tsai’s training and experience, please click here.
Bay Area Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Center
Have Sleep Apnea questions? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Tsai
Bay Area Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Center and Sleep Apnea Dentist Dr. Tsai provide Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances and Snore Mouthgaurds and Devices in Millbrae, San Bruno, Burlingame, San Mateo and the Bay Area