Signs and Symptoms of TMD or TMJ Disorder

While there are many obvious symptoms of TMD or TMJ Disorder, there are many that are commonly overlooked or not considered as related to the disorder. The job of a neuromuscular dentist or a TMJ specialist is to observe all of your symptoms and signs and look for a relationship with your TMJ pain, stress levels, and/or other health concerns. Below is a list of just a few of the more common signs and symptoms of TMD that we look for during a TMJ pain exam.
» Headaches
» Clenching or grinding teeth
» Limited mouth opening, jaw joint pain, jaw joint clicking
» Back, neck, or shoulder pain
» Ear congestion
» Dizziness or vertigo
» Ringing in the ears
» Loose teeth or sensitive teeth
» Facial pain
» Tingling of fingertips
» Nervousness
» Imbalanced head or neck posture issues
» Insomnia
» Swelling
» Difficulty closing the mouth or chewing
» Irregular bite
» Difficulty swallowing
Again, this is an abbreviated list of the signs and symptoms of TMD or TMJ disorder. When you come for your TMD evaluation, we will run through a full list of potential symptoms with you to help you understand your condition. If you feel you have any of these symptoms or any other issues that you would like to speak to me about, please give me a call so we can set up a TMJ / TMD consultation to see if neuromuscular dentistry is right for you.
Signs and Symptoms of TMD or TMJ Pain
Here is a brief video covering the signs and symptoms of TMD and TMJ disorders:
Click here for more information on treating TMD with Neuromuscular Dentistry
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Dr. Sherry Tsai is a leader in TMJ Pain Relief using Neuromuscular Dentistry, Orthotics and Non-invasive Therapies